[FDS-51] Mac OS X: Lingon or Terminal started CF; FusionDebug reports “Cannot connect to target system”


If you are using a standard Eclipse install, or the FusionDebug standalone bundled IDE, but not Flex Builder, carry out procedure FDS – 92 linked below.

If this does not rectify the problem, you may need to alter the Lingon startup command for ColdFusion to include the Java options to enable debugging. The startup command should read as follows:

-server -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xnoagent -Xdebug 
-Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /Applications/JRun4/lib/jrun.jar -start cfusion

N.b. this is all a single line. This Java configuration listens on port 8777 for debugging connections. Make sure your FusionDebug Debug Configuration within Eclipse reflects this in the connect tab.

Issue Details

Type: Technote
Issue Number: FDS-51
Resolution: Fixed
Added: 18/05/2007 14:40:42
Affects Version: 2.0
Fixed Version: 2.0
Platform: MacOS
Related Issues:
  • FDS-92 – “FusionDebug could not connect to the target system” error on Mac OS X Eclipse.